Wednesday, July 4, 2007

This week

I'm now in Corunna, Ontario. The trip was looong! We were in the car for 13 hours on day one, 16 on day two, and 11 on day 3. Ugh. On Sat John & I were about ready to kill each other. We didn't get to the hotel in Wisconsin until 10pm. Fortunately, now that we are here, things are much better. And it's been great to see John's family again.

I am trying to add Skype, but I'm working on John's Dad's computer, and I can't find the microphone. I'll have to ask him where it is, so I can try it. Hopefully I'll get it working properly soon.

In the meantime, we have been using IM at the reference desk for a couple of months. We're hoping that in Sept, when we can market it better, it'll get more use. The one thing I can say about it is that people often don't give us enough time to respond. We'll be in the process of typing of a response and before we can send it, they've left the page. We're trying to make a quick response with a "..." to indicate that we're going to continue, but still, people leave. Oh well, hopefully soon they'll realise we're old and can't type that fast.

My IM name is Chance are good I won't be available for Skype or IM for the next few weeks as we travel around.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit

I've been trying to make a Paloozahead, but the code was always wrong for some reason. It looks like it's going to work this time. This is my godson, Zachary. I sent it to his mom, but I don't know what she'll think of it.

Our Last Day with Coral

Tomorrow is our last day working with Coral. We're all really sad to see her go. I've personally learned so much from her, it's been a great experience having her here. I have to warn those of you in NZ that we've been working hard to convince her to stay! UCOL is really lucky to have her working there.

Anyway, this is how down we feel about her departure. I hope this will work if you click on the box, then hit start. If it doesn't, let me know.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Play Week

So now I'm trying some of the fun things. Here's a Warholized Molly:

Here's a badge I made for myself:

And a trading card:


I am so behind on the 23 Things. I am going to try to get caught up tonight, but I'm also trying to get ready to go away, so I don't know how far I'll get. Too many things on the go.

I added some poodle pictures to Flickr, under the tags "poodle!" and "UCOL". I haven't taken any other pictures lately. I stupidly forgot to take my camera to Brianne's bbq.

Flickr seems pretty cool, although I still have a bit more exploring to do. I like this picture, although I really hope this doesn't happen to me any time soon!

The tagging is neat, because you can keep moving from subject to subject just using the tags. It's also interesting to see how many members the different groups have. It's hard to believe there are almost 1800 groups about libraries.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

RSS Feeds

I'm set up in Netvibes now. I've added some feeds, including a cycling feed, some Toronto news, and a to do list. I'll add more as I find more of interest to me.

I'm also still trying to figure out how to add RSS feeds to WebCT successfully. Once I do, I'll make a Guide, like the ones Coral has been creating for faculty.

If anyone really likes crafty stuff, I just heard about a great place to buy fabulous stuff online. It was new to me, but you may already be familiar with it. The link is I'm thinking about setting up a small business to sell some of the things I make, so I've been checking out others' creations.

My other blog

If you want to learn more about me, check out my other blog, It's not necessarily all that interesting, but there are some nice pictures of Lethbridge on it. Some of the landscape here is similar to pictures I've seen of New Zealand.

Library 2.0

OK, I've finally managed to create a new blog. I had hoped to use my existing one, but that seemed like cheating. So here's the new one, dedicated solely to Library 2.0 and 23 Things.